IBM Security Resilient
Threat detection is only half of the equation. You also need smart incident response. Arm your security team with the industry's leading Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platform.Unlock the Value of IBM Security Resilient
Respond with confidence. Automate with intelligence. Collaborate with consistency
Organizations burdened by the growing volume of alerts, multiple tools and staff shortages are choosing to adopt a Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platform to introduce efficiency to their security operations centers.IBM Security Resilient, a SOAR Platform:
- Empowers security teams to hit the ground running with a guided response delivered through dynamic playbooks
- Mitigates risk by accelerating incident response with orchestration and automation
- Allows security teams to prioritize alerts and tasks through robust case management and incident visualization capabilities.
IBM Security Resilient provides analysts with a central hub for resolving security incidents and responding to privacy breaches more effectively.
A journey to SOAR adoption, from consideration to automation
Security automation helps alleviate analyst burnout by reducing the manual steps in the incident response process. Automating repeatable, predictable tasks allows analysts to focus on high-priority issues, but to be fully optimized, organizations need to understand how to leverage automation to fit their operational needs and internal processes.
Listen to the on-demand webinar featuring energy sector company, Allete, as they walk us through their team's successful adoption and implementation of IBM Security Resilient. Allete will also discuss:
- Pain points and implementation considerations of a SOAR platform
- Evaluation criteria to choose security tools to integrate with Resilient
- Use case prioritization and leveraging automation to respond to phishing incidents
Watch the webinar
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